Monday, March 26, 2007

I love the '80s

Growing up I was scared of many different characters in the movies I watched.. Chuckie, Gremlins, Care Bears on occasion... and last but certainly not least-David Bowie.

You know what I'm talking about. The movie with Jennifer Connelly at a really young age where David Bowie sneaks into her bedroom and steals her baby brother. In Labyrinth, Jim Henson's muppets came off so life-like it was creepy, which made it one of my favorite/scariest movies growing up, and remains on my list today.

In honor of Jim Henson's incredible work that made my childhood a little more special, the Brattle Theatre is holding a festival in his honor from March 30-April 2. During this time, there will be two showings of Labyrinth. The first show is at 9:45 p.m. on March 31st, and the second is at 9:30 on April 2nd. Tickets cost $9.50 and are worth every penny to see if Bowie still has the same chilling effect now as he did when you were a child. "Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one." Jareth, the Goblin King

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